Our projects are categorized into 5 spheres of work: capacity-building, research and development, systemic change, community outreach and development of a new vision for education.
Capacity-Building: All of Masar’s activities
aim to build the capacity of the Arab community to think critically and to
innovate new concepts.
The pioneering nature of Masar’s work necessitates the
creation of new work norms and skills, providing opportunities for members of
the community to shape new work environments.
Capacity-Building efforts will elevate the need
for alternative education on the social agenda by establishing a network of
professionals who possess the skills and interest to change society through the
development of new visions in education.
Our alternative teacher training program equips
a new cadre of professionals with the interest and skills to create and
facilitate new visions in education.
The training program will primarily but
not exclusively target the Arab community. In the initial stage, training methods will
be developed and evaluated by applying action research in Masar’s school.
the next stage, Masar will develop and implement a training program for other
educators and activists to create and facilitate new visions in education in
their communities.
The final stage will be the establishment of the first
permanent alternative training center within the Arab community.
Systemic change: Masar will promote systemic
change through the creation of new precedent within the Israeli Ministry of
Education and other key institutions.
Precedents will be constantly and
intentionally triggered through dialogue about the tension between the
conservative beliefs and practices of Israeli institutions and the success of
our radical educational approach.
New precedents initiated by Masar will aim to
change Ministry of Education norms, policies, and attitudes towards the Arab
minority, and amend local municipalities’ educational priorities.
will trigger innovations in education and complement the lobbying work of other
When dialogue on an issue has been exhausted, Masar will use the legal
system to ensure the continuity of our work.
The process of dialogue and change will enhance
awareness in the Ministry of Education and the local municipalities of the need
for new visions in education.
process will provide Masar with experience in transforming conservative systems
towards more radical
processes, enabling us to
communicate acquired “knowing” and experience to other national, regional and
international communities.
The research program will strengthen Masar’s
professional position in the field of alternative education by documenting and
conveying our experiences. Strategic partnerships with academics will enrich
research opportunities.
Community Outreach: Masar aims to share our
acquired “knowing” and experience through community outreach work in 5 areas:
consultancy, conferences, strategic partnerships, publications, and a website.
All community outreach initiatives share the goal of intensifying dialogue on
the need for new visions in education.